Programme of the Second Conference with international participation Apiology - 2024
dedicated to the 120th anniversary of A.N. Melnichenko
29 November 2024

Moscow, 26 Vavilova St., IDB RAS
10:00 - Opening of the conference
10:30 - Zachepilo Tatiana G. (St. Petersburg) On the memory skills of honey bee
10:50 - Mikheev Alexander (Australia) Honeybees contribute to the spread of pathogenic viruses in communities of wild arthropods
11:10 - Evgeny Ryabov (UK) Development and application of reverse genetic system for wing deformity virus, a major pathogen of honey bees
11:30 - Atnagulova Aisha A. (Moscow) Embryonic cell culture of honey bees
11:50 - Alexey Gulov (Rybnoye) Comparative evaluation of cryotop and cryovial at programmed freezing of sperm of honey bees
12:10 - Rostislav Streletsky (Moscow) Honey bees in toxicology
12:30 - Boguslavsky Dmitry (Moscow) Regulation of oogenesis in honey bees
12:50 - Alla Ilyasova (Moscow) Bee products in pharmacology
13:10 - Sharipov Alyam Y. (Ufa) Mysteries in swarming of wild and hive bees
13:30 - Prokudina Sofya (Moscow) Genomic markers of bee adaptation
13:50 - Closing of the conference